
Quantum Testbed now open to WACQT partners and researchers

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Peter Modh
/ Categories: Myfab Chalmers

Chalmers Next Labs announces the opening of the Quantum Testbed, offering support with quantum technologies, for WACQT partners and researchers. The testbed will offer access to state of the art resources for both quantum hardware and quantum software testing. Following the agreement signed with IBM in January 2024, IBM’s top-of-the-line quantum computers are now also made accessible to WACQT collaborators.

The announcement means that the center’s partners — Saab, AstraZeneca, Ericsson, Jeppesen, Volvo Group, Hitachi Energy, KTH, Lund University, Stockholm University, Linköping University, Gothenburg University, and Chalmers — now may run algorithms on world-leading quantum computers. Through the testbed, researchers and developers have access to IBM’s 127-qubit Eagle and 133-qubit Heron quantum processors.
