Training & Education

Being affiliated with highly ranked universities, education is part of our mission. Our lab staff provides all practical education and hands-on training needed to be a lab user. More theoretical courses, offered within our close environment, provide excellent introductions to, or in-depth knowledge about, the techniques and processes available in our laboratories.

Cleanroom introduction

If you are about to enter one of our sites as an active user, you must attend our common cleanroom introduction. This course covers safety, chemical handling, cleanroom behaviour and practical matters, such as how to use Myfab LIMS for booking, logging and exchanging information. See local pages for schedules and registration procedures.

Operator's training

If you are a Myfab user, with access to any of our sites, all our tools are at your disposal. In most cases you can book and run the tool yourself as soon as you have had the appropriate training and obtained the corresponding operator’s licence. Hands-on training is scheduled with the tool responsible engineer, who also issues the licence when you are ready to work on your own.


Courses in Science and Technology

If you are interested in micro- and nanotechnology, if you are considering to apply for user access, or if you are an established user thirsting for deeper knowledge, some of the graduate, undergraduate or external courses offered at our host universities may be of interest. Visit our local pages to explore the possibilities.