If you are not prepared to enter the lab yourself, or if you need something more than user access, we will help to find the right solution for you. You may want to run a limited test or a single process step. Perhaps you need some specific expertise, assistance to set up and run a project or a space of your own. We will do the job or provide the contact.
Remote processing
Some of our tools and processes are well suited for, and in some cases only accessible through remote processing. This means that you place an order with the information and material we need to deliver according to your specifications.

Process services & development projects
In a more general case case a customized solution may be required. Contact the lab nearest you or the lab with the right resources for your project and initiate a discussion based on your needs and expectations. Together we will look for the best solution, which may involve our lab engineers, a research institute team or an academic research group with expertise and interest in your field.
An important part of our mission is to provide suitable conditions to let start-up companies grow and prosper. You may need your own exclusive tool for a critical step in your process and we may have the cleanroom space available. We are ready to discuss and look for solutions to any issue with a connection to our lab environment.