Myfab Chalmers

The Nanofabrication Laboratory is a world-class university cleanroom for research into and fabrication of micro and nano technology. The laboratory is run by the department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience at Chalmers, but is an open user facility for external as well as internal academic and industrial interests. The Nanofabrication Laboratory offers three partnership options for commercial and academic interests:

  • Cleanroom Access
  • Research Collaboration
  • Processing, Prototypes & Consultancy


New Bruker D8 Discover X-ray Diffraction (XRD) at Myfab Lund

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Luke Hankin
/ Categories: Myfab Lund

Some of its many features include a large area detector, a non-coplanar detector arm, an Eulerian cradle and advanced X-ray optics for a number of different types of samples and measurements. This advanced, versatile and user-friendly XRD-system will significantly enhance the capabilities at LNL and add great value to NanoLund researchers and LNL's start up community for many years to come.

We are very grateful that this equipment was funded by Crafoordska Stiftelsen.
