Myfab Lund

Myfab Lund or Lund Nano Lab (LNL) is a cleanroom facility with a world-class expertise in epitaxial growth and processing of semiconductor nanowires. The laboratory is one of the essential resources for NanoLund researchers, but it is open for other academic and industrial users. The Myfab Lund staff supports its customers with the cleanroom and safety training, equipment support and technology development. The laboratory is actively used in several courses for undergraduate and graduate students thus linking education with fundamental/applied research and industry.

We welcome all users to access the equipment for fundamental research and development in the fields of materials science, nanotechnology, microelectronics, life science and quantum technology. Myfab Lund is staffed with metrology, equipment and process experts who are available to train and guide you. We also educate students enrolled at Lund University and participate in outreach activities for the local community and society. Myfab Lund has been a member of Myfab, the Swedish Research Infrastructure for Micro and Nano Fabrication since 2016.


Myfab has a leading role in the European Chips Act

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Luke Hankin

Reporting by Myfab Lund 

Many in Europe have been eagerly awaiting the results of the first calls in the European Chips Act for pilot lines, with the aim is to enhance existing and develop new advanced pilot lines across the Union to enable development and deployment of cutting-edge semiconductor technologies and next-generation semiconductor technologies. 

Also, we in NanoLund have our stake in the call, and have together with Swedish partners at Linköping, Chalmers and KTH been invited to be part of a pilot line for Wide Bandgap materials. We were very happy when the Chips JU announced that the Public Authorities Board approved all four pilot line proposals.For Lund University and LTH, the Faculty of Engineering this means an important piece in the puzzle of a strategic initiative within the semiconductor area.  

Lund University and Vanya Darakchieva will lead the Workpackage on III- N radiofrequency and power device technologies of the Wide Bandgap pilotline and will contribute with a total effort of more the 8 M€ over 5 years.  

Full article at Myfab Lund here:
